Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The internet understands me!
Here is a lovely summary of my work week that nicely captures the gentle and logical ebb and flow of each day.... (via Why, That's Delightful!).
Explores and comments on everyday practices of producing and consuming texts of whatever kind in meatspace and cyberspace.
Researching New Literacies: Design, Theory, and Data in Sociocultural Investigation (2017)
A New Literacies Reader: Educational Perspectives (2013)
New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning (2011)
Literacies: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives (2011)
New Literacies (2nd edition) (2006)
A New Literacies Sampler This book can be accessed here as a complete set of pdf page proofs.
Digital Literacies: Concepts, Policies and Practices. This book can be accessed here as a complete set of pdf page proofs.
Nuevos Alfabetismos: Su Practica Cotidiana y el Aprendizaje en el Aula