Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Media hoaxes

Here's a really nice piece on media hoax memes from the PSFK blog. PSFK is "a collaborative trend spotting site run by a team of contributors in Europe, the US, Australia." The "PSKF" bit seems to be a mix of its creators initials: Piers Fawkes and Simon King. This particular article raises some marvellous ontological questions concerning when is a hoax a hoax, and when is it not. I think increasingly we're going to see a lot more faux-hoax memes...... hopefully for grassroots activist purposes and not just as marketing schemes.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Cruel reality...

It's not so much that television is a drug anymore, but that being on television is. Taking reality show ideas to a whole new level is the impossibly cruel but socially incisive Best Shows on TV, or BSTV ("where less BS is more BS").

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Open access journals

Here's a useful list of open access journals online. The portal's opening lines, read as follows:
Welcome to the Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 1514 journals in the directory. Currently 383 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 71314 articles are included in the DOAJ service.

The journals indexed here certainly cover a wide range of disciplines and research areas.

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