Friday, April 30, 2010
The importance of LOLing with, rather than LOLing at
We're at ROFLcon II and already loving it.
Just listened to the wonderful Ethan Zuckerman speak about the importance of sharing memes--and laughter--across geopolitical regions and borders. I wish everyone could here this presentation--it was fast-paced and covered such an enormous amount of terrain. Basically, the heart of his talk was: Weird can lead to Wide. that is, memes can help us to understand other countries more at the human level through shared jokes and "insider knowledge" (e.g., Chinese bloggers finding their way around the censors by developing shared language for talking about censorship that doesn't get censored).
Ethan has a long-held interest in how digital technologies are being taken up in ways that can potentially work in economically sustaining ways for people who are among the poorest in the world. He used the example of William Kamkwamba, who created a wind-powered power generator for his village (to seriously and grossly over-summarise the incredible feat that this was--the book about William's achievement and "Won't say no" attitude is a must read!). Ethan is interested interested in what happens when people like William have a chance to be brilliant in front of the whole world.
We're not going to do justice to Ethan's presentation, but here are some of the important things he covered:
- Mapping where key memes have originated and are most popular -- and how tightly this is tied to how long the internet has been in place in a region.
- Ethan calls on us all to pay attention to memes happening outside our own countries (we're in the U.S., so the emphasis was very much on getting beyond U.S. cultural frames of reference). Memes he recommends include: Brother Sharp in China – a stylish homeless man, who now stars in a number of movies, and who probably doesn't know that he doesn't know; the Golimar meme from India (a Bollywood take on Michael Jackson's "Thriller"), and the Tenso meme from Brazil; and the Makmende meme from Kenya (more on this below).
- Ethan’s an Africanist and has lived and worked there and has had the good fortune to watch Kenya’s first internet meme take off. The meme is Makmende – Makmende is a superhero on so many levels. As Ethan explains, he’s the face of modern Africa, mixed with blaxploitation of the 1970s. It's super-cool, and wonderfully funny. It turns out, Ethan explains, that "makmende" is a word that's been around for a long time in Kenya to describe a "wannabe" or "tryhard". Turns out that the word utself actually comes from Clint Eastwood's famous line: "Make my day". so there are videos of Makmende in action, a Chuck-Norris-like lists of facts about Makmende, and lots of remixes.
- Lexicogrpahers look at the words people are actually using, because this is is how words become part of language. If no-one loves the new word/idea, if no-one remixes it, then it won't have a life. If it doesn’t appeal to anyone, then it won’t go anywhere.
- the primary group behind Makmende wrote a Wikipedia entry and it was summarily deleted three times. The Kenyan crew worked out that they needed to explicitly say it was the first Kenyan meme. And then it got stay on Wikipedia.
- Ethan made the point about about the danger is that we — as a collective — can become gatekeepers online (“bouncers”, even) who police what or who is in and what or who isn’t. For Ethan, there is enormous potential for problems with respect to over-emphasising "insiderliness" rather than "all-in-together".
If we don’t laugh at Chinese memes, the censors win. - Ethan posed the question: What’s the meme we’re all going to LOL at? He raises it as a serious question for people to think about.
- There's also room for "meme sleuthing" (this isn't how Ethan described it, but our take on what he was saying), where people track down/unpick the complexities of emmes. for example--and this is Ethan's example--Matt Harding (of the delightful "Where in the world is Matt?" dancing videos). the song that Matt uses as the soundtrack to his video is “Sweet Lullaby” by a group of French Techno musicians. It’s on an album or music described as “pygmie music” – but what Matt discovered is that the music was actually recorded in the Solomon Islands (where the locals are definitely not pygmies!). Matt also documented speaking with the people who were recorded and shed important light on their music and songs that might otherwise have remained known only to a few people.
He also asks: Is there one internet, or many. China, for example, has blocked off huge swathes of the internet, which make it a different experience for users inside China, compared to users outside China. YouTube is blocked, but a Chinese version of it - - is proving really popular. And features a lot of cute cats, too! BUT, Ethan points out, China has managed to bridge the cute cat gap. We don’t generally lol at Chinese cute cats, and the Chinese don’t tend to laugh at our cute cats. It’s of enormous geopolitical importance that we build memes that the Chinese laugh at, and that the Chinese memes emems that we laugh at. We laugh at Engrish. We laugh at people who butcher English (e.g., Mahir “I Kiss You”); but it's much more useful and fruitful to LOL with others, rather than laugh at them. Shared references and shared beliefs re important f—and if we don’t get to the piint were not lolling at the same thing, then we risk losing important things.
For Ethan, viral ideas are pretty much the only thing that can save the world.
And what Ethan's Kenyan friends want more than anything else, is to have people pay attention to them via their Makmende meme. they want to draw attention to the fact that Kenya does>does have excellent graphic designers, excellent humourists, super savvy internet folk, and more. So head on over to and help spread the LOLs!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New book! Adolescents' Online Literacies

[This book] is a compilation of new work that makes concrete connections between what the research literature portrays and what teachers, school librarians, and media specialists know to be the case in their own situations. The authors (educators and researchers who span three continents) focus on ways to incorporate and use the digital literacies that young people bring to school.
Topics, age level foci, research contexts are richly varied and speak directly to the diversity of new literacies research:
Donna E. Alvermann, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
Chapter 1 - Multimodal Pedagogies: Playing, Teaching and Learning with Adolescents’ Digital Literacies
Lalitha Vasudevan, Tiffany DeJaynes & Stephanie Schmier, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, USA
Chapter 2 - Webkinz, Blogs, and Avatars: Lessons Learned from Young Adolescents
Janie Cowan, Teacher Librarian, Settles Bridge School, Suwanee, Georgia, USA
Chapter 3 - View My Profile(s)
Guy Merchant, Faculty of Development and Society, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK
Chapter 4 - 4 Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide/When Social Networking Was Enuf: A Black Feminist Perspective on Literacy Online
David E. Kirkland, New York University, New York City, USA
Chapter 5 - Textual Play, Satire and Counter Discourses of Street Youth ‘Zining Practices
Theresa Rogers, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Chapter 6 - Digital Literacies and Hip Hop Texts: The Potential for Pedagogy
Jairus Joaquin, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
Chapter 7 - Digital Media Literacy: Connecting Young People’s Identities, Creative Production and Learning about Video Games
Michael Dezuanni, Film and Media Curriculum, School of Cultural and Language Studies in Education, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Chapter 8 - ‘Experts on the Field': Redefining Literacy Boundaries
Amanda Gutierrez, Australian Catholic University & Catherine Beavis, Griffith University, Australia
Chapter 9 - "I Think They’re Being Wired Differently": Secondary Teachers’ Cultural Models of Adolescents and Their Online Literacies
Kelly Chandler-Olcott, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA & Elizabeth Lewis, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA
Chapter 10 - Minding the Gaps: Teachers’ Cultures, Students’ Cultures
Andrew Burn, David Buckingham, Becky Parry, and Mandy Powell, Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
Kevin Leander, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Congrats again to Donna and her colleagues for producing such an engaging and timely book that is set to make a really significant contribution to bridging in-school and out-of-school literacy practices within classroom contexts!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Vale Malcolm McLaren
It's wrecked my day, which was otherwise pretty good, to read of Malcolm McLaren's death. I've enjoyed his maverick ways for so long it's sad to think there'll be no more. For sure I'll never forget the night, long ago, when the NZ television show Radio with Pictures aired the rump of the Pistols performing "No one is innocent" in Rio, with Ronnie Biggs doing a pretty fair (by punk standards) job of the vocals. As nihilist moments go, that one was pretty funny.
Johnny Rotten, who missed the Rio gig having quit the band just days before, says "Above all else [Malcolm McLaren] was an entertainer and I will miss him, and so should you".
I will, Johnny, I will.
Feed it heaps on the other side, Malcolm. You did crazy just fine down here.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Reliving some old tech
We are currently working on a book comprising a selection of our essays and chapters from 1985 to 2010. Some of the early stuff does not exist in electronic form and so it needs scanning. But our only copies of some of the early stuff are in Coatepec, Mexico, and the only scanner we have ever set up here is a Primax 98. It is hooked up to a 1999 model e-Machine running Windows 98 and with Word 97 installed.
I decided to bite the bullet tonight and see if there were or were not any missing links in our evolutionary chain.
Turns out there aren't. The Primax has scanned to Word 97 with scarcely an error. I saved the files from a 1985 paper on ideas of functional literacy to a floppy disk, which I have fed into a wee floppy disk drive that Michele got recently to run on my Dell. We are actually quite well endowed here because I chose to use the new drive over putting the floppy into the external A drive in a 1998 Thinkpad which graces the downstairs office and is a printing slave pooter for a lovely early Samsung laser printer that objects to running on anything after XP service pack 1.
So, it has been an evening of reliving what it was like to do this kind of work more than a decade ago. I had forgotten the noise of the A drive clicking in.
And the neat thing is that there are still 2 or 3 more items to scan from material that we only have copies of here. So there'll be at least a couple more evenings of reliving these past charms. Apart from anything else it's a nice low key way of working up to digitising a couple of hundred vinyl albums down in the lounge. I could doubtless buy most of it in digitally re-mastered form on Amazon, but it wouldn't be the same. One of the things I'll enjoy about the book when it comes out is recalling evenings like tonight when I could revel in the recently reclaimed luxury of having the time to slow back down to 1998.
Mind you, I doubt that in 1998 I'd have relished the opportunity to have slowed back down to the IBM golf ball electric typewriter of the early 80s.