Distributed, collaborative writing... with Tim Burton!
Tim Burton is the director of truly fantastic--in all senses of the word--movies (e.g., Edward Scissor Hands, Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake, Alice in Wonderland remake). Right now
he's inviting all of us to collaborate with him on writing a narrative about one of his recurring characters,
Stain Boy (see for example, the Stain Boy story in Burton's delightful
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories, 1997). Collaborators can submit a line to the story via Twitter. These are compiled using the tag
#BurtonStory and the best are posted to the
project's website. The latter also provides a few details about the project, too:
- This story telling experiment runs November 22 - December 6, 2010
- Tweet as often as you like
- The best Tweets of the day will be selected to build the story
- Follow the story as it unfolds on the "Read the Story" tab
So what are you witing for? Jump in add your own literary gems and sentences of staggering genius!
// posted by Colin and/or Michele @
3:41 pm